Sejarah Kingdom Shool

Founded in 2001, Kingdom School was established with a vision of a better future generation. Our aim is to empower the younger generation through means of education.

At Kingdom School, we believe in strong Christian values to further equip our students for what lies ahead, outside the comfort of a home and four walls of a school. We identify the success of an individual to be closely correlated with high integrity, unparalleled confidence, being innovative and possessing strong social skills. With such strong foundation, students will be able to embrace challenges with positive attitude and optimistic view.

As a national plus institution, we utilize English language on daily basis, without neglecting the importance of Bahasa Indonesia as our national language.

Visi, Misi dan Nilai-Nilai


Increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52, ESV)


Mission & Values

  1. Constructive Knowledge
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Collaboration
  4. Communication
  5. Commitment
  6. Christ-like Character
  7. Change
  8. Creativity


Parents Testimonial

Basket Ball Outdoor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum odio neque, ultricies eget egestas ut, viverra ut sapien. Aliquam aliquam fermentum viverra. Sed eget metus eu velit laoreet facilisis. Sed sed hendrerit lectus, nec sagittis metus. Ut arcu mauris, mollis quis erat at, tempor tincidunt magna. Nullam ac tellus vulputate, condimentum magna ut, congue odio. Mauris ornare venenatis erat, in elementum sapien condimentum vel.

Library Elementary- Junior High

Computer Class

Basket & Soccer Ball Outdoor

Basket & Soccer Ball Outdoor

Sejarah Kingdom Shool

Founded in 2001, Kingdom School was established with a vision of a better future generation. Our aim is to empower the younger generation through means of education.

At Kingdom School, we believe in strong Christian values to further equip our students for what lies ahead, outside the comfort of a home and four walls of a school. We identify the success of an individual to be closely correlated with high integrity, unparalleled confidence, being innovative and possessing strong social skills. With such strong foundation, students will be able to embrace challenges with positive attitude and optimistic view.

As a national plus institution, we utilize English language on daily basis, without neglecting the importance of Bahasa Indonesia as our national language.

Visi, Misi dan Nilai-Nilai


Increase in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man (Luke 2:52, ESV)


Mission & Values

  1. Constructive Knowledge
  2. Critical Thinking
  3. Collaboration
  4. Communication
  5. Commitment
  6. Christ-like Character
  7. Change
  8. Creativity


Parents Testimonial

Basket Ball Outdoor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum odio neque, ultricies eget egestas ut, viverra ut sapien. Aliquam aliquam fermentum viverra. Sed eget metus eu velit laoreet facilisis. Sed sed hendrerit lectus, nec sagittis metus. Ut arcu mauris, mollis quis erat at, tempor tincidunt magna. Nullam ac tellus vulputate, condimentum magna ut, congue odio. Mauris ornare venenatis erat, in elementum sapien condimentum vel.

Library Elementary- Junior High

Computer Class

Basket & Soccer Ball Outdoor

Basket & Soccer Ball Outdoor